Youth ATLAS Mozambique

Data4Moz Youth Development Platform (YATLAS)

Project Dates: 01 Sep. 2023

The Data4Moz Youth ATLAS (YATLAS) presents a transformative opportunity to empower Mozambican youth, address unemployment, and spur economic growth through technology-driven skill development and entrepreneurship.

Mozambique, like many other countries, faces significant challenges related to youth unemployment, followed by rapidly grow of young population. The lack of opportunities and access to critical information, and limited access to capital and suitable infrastructure further exacerbates the issue. Concurrently, the country has witnessed rapid technological advancements and increasing mobile connectivity, presenting a unique opportunity to bridge the information gap and foster economic growth through innovative solutions.

The urgency to develop and implement Data4Moz YATLAS, plays a pivotal role in shaping the young people contribution in shaping the country’s future. By providing a comprehensive platform for knowledge sharing, resources, and collaboration, the YATLAS expects to redirect opportunities and services from either rural to urban or vice-versa, to unlock hidden and untapped socioeconomic potential, that will drive sustainable progress.

This innovative initiative would foster skills development, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement, addressing the pressing issues of unemployment, poverty, and social inequality across the country as well as identifying economic opportunities in the communities and disincentive rural-to-urban migration amongst youth population.

Through inclusive partnerships and tailored solutions, the YATLAS would create a transformative data-driven ecosystem that nurtures leadership, fosters innovation, enhance capital access, and ensures the active participation of youth in building resilient, prosperous, and equitable communities across Mozambique.

Project Details







Project Goals
  • The primary goal is to lead the way into a new era of information, technology, and data-driven insights, all aiming at improving the lives of numerous young individuals in both rural and urban Mozambique.

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